@ Html.ValidationSummary(真) - 什么是真正的做?





I looked at the MSDN site and still can't see what setting "true" does? What I notice is that when I have validation messages that are for fields then it still creates a validation summary DIV that's empty.


Is there a way to supress the creating of the summary DIVs as they don't show anything when for example my field is a duplicate.


You can specify error messages against the properties or against the model. Those specified against the model are displayed using the validationsummary().


The bool property indicates if you would like to display the validation summary error messages at the same time as displaying the property error messages. If you choose not to then the property error messages will be displayed to the user first. Then, when the user has resolved all of those error messages, the summary error messages will be displayed after.


If the bool parameter is true then only model-level errors are displayed. If the parameter is false then all errors are shown.