

Excel检测公式是否与表中计算列不一致,并显示为一个绿色三角形(表示该单元格与列公式不一致)。如何通过VBA找到它们。我发现这个代码应该是诀窍(从 http:// www。 ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=145306 ),但这只适用于使用范围是正常范围而不是表格:

Excel detects if a formula is inconsistent with a calculated column in a table and shows them with a little green triangle (which says "This cell is inconsistent with the column formula"). How can I find them through VBA. I found this code that is supposed to do the trick (from http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=145306) but this only works when the used range is a normal range instead of a table:

Dim oneCell As Range 

For Each oneCell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange 
    If oneCell.Errors(xlInconsistentFormula).Value Then 
        oneCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 
        oneCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone 
    End If 
Next oneCell 

但是 oneCell.Errors(xlInconsistentFormula).Value 只发送False,因此它不起作用。

But oneCell.Errors(xlInconsistentFormula).Value only sends "False" so it doesn't work.


Can this be fixed to work in a table instead of a normal range?


xlInconsistentFormula doesn't do anything if you work in a table.


Sub fhdjksjdfhs()
    Dim r As Range
    Dim rBig As Range
    Set rBig = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
    For Each r In rBig
        If r.Errors.Item(xlInconsistentFormula).Value = True Then
            r.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
            r.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
        End If
    Next r
End Sub


正如Kersijus 正确指出的那样,将一列或一组列转换为可以抑制错误检查的级别,绿旗。此代码不会检测以这种方式被抑制的错误。

As Kersijus correctly points out, converting a column or set of columns into a Table suppresses the level of error-checking that raises the green flag. This code will not detect errors that are suppressed in this way.