









ERROR: cvs2svn uses the anydbm package, which depends on lower level dbm
libraries.  Your system has dumbdbm, with which cvs2svn is known to have
problems.  To use cvs2svn, you must install a Python dbm library other than
dumbdbm or dbm.  See http://python.org/doc/current/lib/module-anydbm.html
for more information.




Here is the procedure for a successful installation of cvs2svn and all supporting libs:

1.Download the gdbm-1.8.3 (or greater) source, unarchive and change directory to gdbm-1.8.3. We need to install the gdbm libraries so python's gdbm module can use them. 

a.Type ./configure

b.Edit "Makefile" so that the owner and group are not the non-existing "bin" owner and group by changing 
	BINOWN = bin
	BINGRP = bin
	BINOWN = root
	BINGRP = admin

c.Type "make"

d.Type "sudo make install"

2.Download the Python2.6 (or greater) source, unarchive, and change directory to Python2.6. We need to enable python gdbm support which is not enabled in the default OS X 10.5.5 installation of python, as the gdbm libs are not included. However, we just installed the gdbm libs in step 1, so we can now compile python with gdbm support. 

a.Edit the file "Modules/Setup" by uncommenting the line which links against gdbm by changing 

	#gdbm gdbmmodule.c -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lgdbm
	gdbm gdbmmodule.c -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lgdbm

b.Edit the file "Modules/Setup" by uncommenting the line to create shared libs by changing 


c.Type ./configure --enable-framework --enable-universalsdk in the top-level Python2.6 directory. This will configure the installation of python as a shared OS X framework, and usable with OS X GUI frameworks and SDKs. You may have problems building if you don't have the SDKs that support the PPC platform. If you do, just specify --disable-universalsdk. By default, python will be installed in "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework", which is what we want.

d.Type make

e.Type sudo make install

f.Type cd /usr/local/bin; sudo ln -s python2.6 python

g.Make sure "/usr/local/bin" is at the front of your search path in ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc etc.

h.Type source ~/.profle or source ~/.bashrc etc. or alternatively, just open a new shell window. When you type which python it should give you the new version in "/usr/local/bin" not the one in "/usr/bin".

3.Download the cvs2svn-2.2.0 (or greater) source, unarchive and change directory to cvs2svn-2.2.0. Many people can't get cvs2svn to work except in the installation directory. The reason for this is that the installation places copies of cvs2svn, cvs2svn_libs, and cvs2svn_rcsparse in the /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework hierarchy. All we need to do is make a link in /usr/local/bin pointing to the location of cvs2svn in the python framework hierarchy. And for good measure we also make links to the lib and include directories: 

a.Type sudo make install

b.Create the required links by typing the following: 

	sudo ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/cvs2svn /usr/local/bin/cvs2svn

	sudo ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6 /usr/local/lib/python2.6

	sudo ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/include/python2.6 /usr/local/include/python2.6





2)运行CVS2SVN转换库的时候,命令参阅附件,在pass5 cvs revision summaries时运行缓慢












修改CVSROOT里的config文件把SystemAuth=no 改成 SystemAuth=yes




