

我们使用 rich:select 作为我们的下拉输入。

We are using rich:select for our drop down inputs.

<rich:select id="select" value="#{controller.attrs.value}" >
       <f:selectItems value="#{controller.attrs.items}" var="foo"
            itemValue="#{foo}" itemLabel="#{foo.bar}" />
       <f:ajax event="#{ajaxActionController.action}" render="input" />            


Our problem is that when the drop down is triggered it always starts with the first element in the list. However we would like it to jump to the position of the currently selected item.


Not possible through conventional means, but this should work:

<rich:select id="select" onlistshow="L.scrollList()" onlistclick="L.saveId()">


L = window.L || {};

(function() {        
    id = 0;    

    L.saveId = function() {
        id = #{ rich:component('select') }.list.index;

    L.scrollList = function() {
        var list = #{ rich:component('select') }.list,
            listDiv = $( #{ rich:component('select') }.popupList.popup ).find(".rf-sel-lst-scrl"),
            selectedDivPos = $(list.items[id]).position();  

            listDiv.scrollTop(selectedDivPos.top - 7);
