


I have an Azure mobile service setup and have followed the examples online for authenticating. I call AuthenticationContext.AcquireToken and get back a token. Then I set the header using:

HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =新AuthenticationHeaderValue(载体,AquireAccessToken());

HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", AquireAccessToken());


However I am getting a 401 back and in the Azure logs I am getting "The 'Bearer' HTTP authentication scheme is not supported". What am I missing?


If you are using a service to call the mobile service why not use the Application key instead of a login process?


You can set a header on your request like so:

HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-ZUMO-APPLICATION", "<YOUR APP KEY>";


You can get your application key from the portal. When you are on the dashboard view click the button at the bottom of the window to "manage keys".


This works if you want to login as the service, but if you need to login on behalf of a user, then you'll need to go the authentication route. You'll also need to make sure the permissions on your various tables and APIs allow the application key level of access.

另外,你可以使用的 X-谟-MASTER 的与你的主密钥头获得管理权限的服务。

Alternately, you can use the X-ZUMO-MASTER header with your master key to get admin rights to the service.