

对于某些用户,即使使用正确的URL,我也会收到 NotLoadingAPIFromGoogleMapsError 错误:(pug语法):

I am getting the NotLoadingAPIFromGoogleMapsError error for some users even if the correct URL is being used: (pug syntax):

script(type='text/javascript' src='https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MY_KEY&libraries=places')

这似乎是由脚本生成的Authentication API调用导致的.其他人有这个问题吗?您是如何解决的?

It seems to be resulting from the Authentication API call generated from the script. Anyone else have this issue? How did you solve it?


Hopefully others will find this useful - I received an answer from Google as follows:


The API session token expires if someone leaves a map open for more than about 24 hours, so it's normal to see a low level of these errors. (This is the intended behavior)


There's no documentation about this anywhere - so hopefully this answer will help save people research time.


There might be a way to catch the error and re-authorize if it occurs. I'll update here if that's a possibility.