Google Maps用KML标记标记


我想知道,我是否有一个KML文件的位置点. 当我上传KML并将google map指向文件时,它将显示这些点.
现在可以在KML文件中为这一点添加标签了,就像我搜索机场或水管工时使用Google Maps一样吗? 这样的示例: 我想用数字而不是字母做标记.

I was wondering, say I've got a KML file of points at locations. When I upload the KML and direct google maps to the file, it will show the points.
Now is is possible in the KML file to label that point, Just like Google Maps does when I search for airports or plumbers? Example like this: I want to do the markers with Numbers instead of letters.
Is this possible just using KML? or would I have to script this?

是的,您可以使用样式并添加< styleurl>到每个地标

Yes you can using styles and adding a <styleurl> to each placemark

请参阅: http://code. 如果要在每个地标中显示一个数字,则必须为每个地标创建一个自定义图像(和样式).

If you want to show a number in each placemark you will however have to create a custom image (and style) for each one.