AWS Elastic Beanstalk甚至不会部署我的Rails应用程序


我当前正在使用在64位Amazon Linux 2/3.0.2上运行的Ruby 2.6"镜像,并通过在EC2实例内部/var/logs/eb-engine.log(eb日志"命令不会向我显示此信息),则经常发生错误:

I'm currently using the "Ruby 2.6 running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.0.2" image, and by looking, inside the EC2 instance at the /var/logs/eb-engine.log ("eb logs" command won't show me this), there is a recurring error:

[错误]无法解析JSON文件 /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/app_version_manifest.json,错误: json:无法将字符串解组到Go struct字段中 uint64类型的AppVersionManifest.Serial

[ERROR] failed to parse JSON file /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/app_version_manifest.json with error: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field AppVersionManifest.Serial of type uint64


When I check that file, I do not know what is wrong with it, or what is preventing that file from being parsed, if that is actually the problem:

{ "RuntimeSources":{"my_api":{"my_api-source_alfa0.2":"s3url":""}}},"DeploymentId":9,"Serial":"23","VersionLabel":"my_api-source_alfa0.2"}


The serial "23" seems pretty parsable to me. Please help!



What causes this

I believe this is a bug.

在某些情况下,如果您尝试重建您的Elastic Beanstalk环境,并且该操作无法删除您的AWSEBSecurityGroup.

In some cases, this can occur if you try to terminate or rebuild your Elastic Beanstalk environment and the operation fails to delete your AWSEBSecurityGroup.


There are reports (see comments) of other causes besides this.

AWS文档 如何终止还是在AWSEBSecurityGroup无法删除时重建我的AWS Elastic Beanstalk环境? 描述了如何解决此问题,但是如果链接断开,我摘录了以下主要步骤:

The AWS document How do I terminate or rebuild my AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment when the AWSEBSecurityGroup fails to delete? describes how to resolve this, but I excerpted the main steps below, in case that link ever breaks:

  1. 打开 AWS CloudFormation控制台.
  2. 堆栈名称列中,选择未能删除的堆栈.
  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation console.
  2. From the Stack Name column, choose the stack that failed to delete.

注意:堆栈的状态列显示 DELETE_FAILED .

  • 操作菜单中,选择删除堆栈.
  • 删除堆栈弹出窗口中,选择 AWSEBSecurityGroup ,然后选择是,删除.
  • 终止或重建Elastic Beanstalk环境.
  • From the Actions menu, choose Delete Stack.
  • In the Delete Stack pop-up window, choose AWSEBSecurityGroup, and then choose Yes, Delete.
  • Terminate or rebuild the Elastic Beanstalk environment.
  • 如果您更喜欢CLI或进行更复杂的设置,则链接的文档还有其他步骤.

    The linked docs have other steps if you prefer the CLI or have a more complex setup.


    After you've deleted the group and rebuilt your environment, you won't get the app_version_manifest.json error any more. Deploy your app.


    Once it's done, if you SSH in and run…

    cat /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/app_version_manifest.json


    …you'll notice that Serial is now correctly represented as a JSON number.