


I have a .bas file saved locally that I load into my Acces project to run a particular sub. I use the following code to load the module (which works fine):

Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Impor t FileName:= FilePath& ; CODE_FOLDER& RatesYear& " \" &安培; RatesMonth& " \" &安培;产品名称& " .BAS"
Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Impor t FileName:=FilePath & CODE_FOLDER & RatesYear & "\" & RatesMonth & "\" & ProductName & ".bas"


I use the following loop to remove the module:

For Each Comp In Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents

如果Comp.Name = ProductName则

Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Remov e Comp



For Each Comp In Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
If Comp.Name = ProductName Then
Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Remov e Comp
Exit For
End If



The above works fine (both adding the module and subsequantly removing it) provided I do not run any code within the module once it is loaded. The second I use code within the module the deletion loop does not seem to remove the module immediately (as it would do prior to running any code in the module).

The procedure in it''s entirity is as follows:


昏暗Comp as Object


如果RatesConn.State<> 0然后RatesConn.Close


For Each Comp In Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents

如果Comp.Name = ProductName那么

Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Remov e Comp





Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Impor t FileName:= FilePath& CODE_FOLDER& RatesYear& &QUOT; \&QUOT; &安培; RatesMonth& &QUOT; \&QUOT; &安培;产品名称& " .bas"


RatesConn.ConnectionString =" Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ;数据来源= &安培; FilePath& RATES_FOLDER& RatesYear& &QUOT; \&QUOT; &安培; RatesMonth& &QUOT; \&QUOT; &安培;产品名称& " .mdb;"


prvProduct = ProductName

Public Property Let Product(ProductName As String)

Dim Comp As Object

''Close rates connection if it is already open
If RatesConn.State <> 0 Then RatesConn.Close

''Remove old code modules
For Each Comp In Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
If Comp.Name = ProductName Then
Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Remov e Comp
Exit For
End If

''Retrieve most recent code module
Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Impor t FileName:=FilePath & CODE_FOLDER & RatesYear & "\" & RatesMonth & "\" & ProductName & ".bas"

''Establish rates database connection and set product var
RatesConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & FilePath & RATES_FOLDER & RatesYear & "\" & RatesMonth & "\" & ProductName & ".mdb;"

prvProduct = ProductName

End Property


我试过用一个简单的docmd.deletobject acmodule代替删除循环,ProductName没有太多运气。





Really baffling, if no code is run within the loaded BAS the deletion loop removes the module immediately and a fresh version of the ub can be loaded. If code is run the deletion loop does not work immediately and when the procedure comes to add a fresh version of the BAS it creates a duplicate with "1" on the end.

I have tried substituting the deletion loop with a simple docmd.deletobject acmodule, ProductName without much luck.

Are you only able to add/remove modules whilst no code within that module has been run?

Any help greatly appreciated!!


Just to point out the obvious, I have made sure that all code within the loaded bas has finished executing prior to attempting to remove it.




Further to the above, if I try to remove the module (once its been added and the sub within it has been run), using docmd.deleteobject from the immediate window, an error box appears suggesting the project is unable to find the module (where as can be seen from the attached screenshot, it is clearly present!).

Should I file this as another odd MS bug and try to find an alternative solution (any suggestions on that front greatly appreciated)?

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A long shot is that the Module has actually been Deleted, but the Environment is not fully aware of it. Immediately after the Module has been Deleted, insert the following line of code and see what happens:
展开 | 选择 | Wrap | 行号

感谢您的建议,不幸的是它没有用。当我删除模块时,我怀疑你在VBA IDEA的正确行上没有刷新。如果当前子程序已经完成,只有在导入的bas中的进程已经运行时才会刷新它。

Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it did not work. I suspect you are on the right lines with the VBA IDEA no refreshing when the module has been deleted. It only seems to refresh once the current sub has finished IF a process within the imported bas has been run.

The other theory I have is with the saving of the imported module. If I use one of the exit buttons on the form (a simple docmd.quit) Access prompts me to save the imported module. I suspect I need to save the module once it has been imported so that it removes instantly? Long shot, but in my head it half makes sense!!! Anyone know the function for saving an imported module?