



i want to take the values form checkout.aspx page to confirm.aspx page.. using sessions.

but i am getting error

Object Reference not set to Instance of an object Exception


on checkout.aspx page. i wrote the code as

// Checkout.aspx

Order o = new Order();
        o.CustomerID = User.Identity.Name;
        Session["CustomerID"] = o.CustomerID;
        o.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;
        o.FirstName = firstnametxt.Text;
        Session["FirstName"] = o.FirstName;
        o.LastName = lastnametxt.Text;
        Session["LastName"] = o.LastName;
        o.Company = companytxt.Text;
        Session["Company"] = o.Company;
        o.Address = addresstxt.Text;
        Session["Address"] = o.Address;
        o.Country = dpcountry.Text;
        Session["Country"] = o.Country;
        o.City = citytxt.Text;
        Session["City"] = o.City;
        o.Province = provincetxt.Text;
        Session["Province"] = o.Province;
        o.ZipCode = zipcodetxt.Text;
        Session["ZipCode"] = o.ZipCode;
        o.Telephone = telephonetxt.Text;
        Session["Telephone"] = o.Telephone;
        o.Fax = faxtxt.Text;
        Session["Fax"] = o.Fax;


On Confirm.aspx page load i wrote the code. but not able to get value of session in label fieldss

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
 lblfirstname.Text = Session["FirstName"].ToString();
        lbllastname.Text = Session["LastName"].ToString();
        lbladdress.Text = Session["Address"].ToString();
        lblphoneno.Text = Session["Telephone"].ToString();
        lblprovince.Text = Session["Province"].ToString();
        lblcity.Text = Session["City"].ToString();
        lblpostalcode.Text = Session["ZipCode"].ToString();


可能的一种可能是Confirm.aspx的Page_Load ()中的代码在.确保在Conform.aspxPage_Load()之前触发checkout.aspx事件并执行该事件中的代码.


one of the possibilities is may be the code within Page_Load () of Confirm.aspx is getting executed before the piece of code in checkout.aspx. ensure that checkout.aspx event gets fired and code within the event gets executed before Conform.aspx''s Page_Load().

Moreover, it will be good practice to initialize all the required properties of order object and set the session object at once.

Hope this will help you.

调试代码,并查看您在 checkout.aspx 中的会话变量中得到了什么.

您收到此错误的原因仅仅是会话变量不包含对内存中任何对象的引用.如果您尝试在某个对象上调用.ToString(),而您的变量为 null ,则会收到此异常.

Debug the code and see what you are getting in session variables in you checkout.aspx.

You are getting this error just because session variables doesn’t contain a reference to any object in memory. If you try to call .ToString() on an object, and your variable is null, you’ll get this exception.

hope it helps :)

您需要通过Web配置文件配置会话状态,如 ^ ].
You need to configure session state via the web config file as shown here[^].