

我正在使用Meteor和 Meteur Up 软件包将软件包推送到服务器。它使用码头。问题是我无法从Docker内部访问graphicsmagick或imagemagick,以便在我的应用程序中使用它。但是它安装在服务器上,当我输入gm命令时我可以访问它。如何使其可以访问?

I am using Meteor and Meteur Up package to push a bundle to server. It uses docker. The problem is that I cannot access graphicsmagick or imagemagick from inside a docker to use it in my app. However it is installed on the server and I can access it when typing gm command. How can I make it accessable?


It doesn't seem to be configurable at the moment based on this open issue. However, you could always fork the project and modify the start script to use your own custom docker image. If so, make sure you make it:

FROM meteorhacks/meteord:base