Android模拟器SDK无法访问互联网 - 网页无法使用。 DNS不解析; URL作品的IP地址


我一直有与Android模拟器SDK它实际上是发生在所有版本和分辨率的问题。时遇到的错误是网址不能由DNS解析。如果我在,比方说,谷歌的IP地址类型,它的工作原理。这绝对是一个DNS问题。我使用的是Android虚拟设备管理器;我不使用Eclipse,Netbeans的,或者一些其他的IDE进行测试。有没有通过AVDM GUI来解决这个问题,也许是利用硬件属性/值对的方法吗?

I've been having issues with Android Emulator SDK It's actually occurring on all versions and resolutions. The error I'm having is URLs cannot be resolved by the DNS. If I type in the IP Address for, say, Google, it works. It's definitely a DNS issue. I am using the Android Virtual Device Manager; I am NOT using Eclipse, Netbeans, or some other IDE for testing. Is there a way to resolve this through the AVDM GUI, perhaps utilizing the Hardware Property/Value pairs?



Actually, I found a better answer. The problem was resolved when I changed the nic adpater binding order. I don't know why this was an issue, since I did not touch the binding order at any time, since working with the Android Emulator SDK.

我运行一个永保;所以,对于这些用户,转到控制面板 - >网络连接 - >高级 - >高级设置 - >适配器和粘合剂 - >连接

I'm running a Winbox; so, for those users, goto Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Advanced -> Advanced Settings -> Adapters and Binders -> Connections.
