我可以从另一个进程中卸载DLL吗? (Win32的)


如果是,该怎么做? (我正在使用Win32 API)

I want to unload a DLL from another process. Is it possible? If yes, how to do that? (I'm using Win32 API)


是的,这是可能的。它称为DLL弹出,并且某些DLL注入程序具有此功能。通常通过 LoadLibrary ,然后通过免费图书馆 FreeLibrary 仅采用一个参数,该参数是要卸载的模块的句柄。如果首先注入了DLL,则应该可以很容易地找到它。否则,可以使用诸如 CreateToolHelp32Snapshot (带有 Module32First / Module32Next 。假设您已通过某种方式获得了句柄,则弹出DLL的步骤很简单:

Yes, this is possible. It is called DLL ejection and is featured by some DLL injectors. The way a DLL is usually loaded is via LoadLibrary and it is subsequently unloaded via FreeLibrary. FreeLibrary takes only one parameter which is a handle to the module to be unloaded. If you injected the DLL in the first place, you should be able to find this very easily. Otherwise there are ways of obtaining the handle such as CreateToolHelp32Snapshot with further enumeration with Module32First/Module32Next. Suppose you have obtained the handle through some means, then the steps to eject the DLL are simple:

  • 获取地址 FreeLibrary GetProcAddress 。由于Windows的工作原理,该地址将与目标中相同功能的地址匹配。

  • 致电 CreateRemoteThread 在目标进程上,将 lpStartAddress 指定为 FreeLibrary 的地址,并使用 lpParameter 作为模块的句柄

  • Get the address of FreeLibrary with GetProcAddress. This address will match the one for the same function in the target because of how Windows works.
  • Call CreateRemoteThread on the target process, specifying lpStartAddress as the address of FreeLibrary, and with lpParameter as the module's handle


There are several caveats to DLL ejection.

  • 您应该只弹出一个DLL,确定将来没有代码会再次使用。如果有任何动态链接的代码尝试在代码释放后对其进行调用,则很可能会触发某种形式的页面访问冲突。

  • 您应确保没有线程在执行



If you require a code example for this, I have written an ejector as part of an injector I wrote in the past in C. I can search it up and find it but it's from many years ago and the code quality is not likely to be good.