在 ARM 模板中有条件地设置 appsetting 值


我们有一个 Azure ARM 模板,用于为 Microsoft.Web/站点添加应用设置.

We have an Azure ARM template, which is adding appsettings for a Microsoft.Web/site.

"resources": [
        "apiVersion": "2016-03-01",
        "name": "myazurefunction", 
        "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites", 
        "properties": {
            "name": "myazurefunction", 
            "siteConfig": {
                "appSettings": [
    "name": "MY_SERVICE_URL", 
    "value": "[concat('https://myservice-', parameters('env'), '.domain.ca')]"

我们还有四个 parameters.environment.json 文件.例如,这是parameters.dev.json 的内容.

We also have four parameters.environment.json files. For instance, this is the content of parameters.dev.json.

    "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01...",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "env": {
            "value": "dev"

模板及其参数更倾向于约定而不是配置.这在大多数情况下运行良好,并导致以下 MY_SERVICE_URL 值.

The template and its parameters favor convention over configuration. This is working nicely for the most part, and leads to the following MY_SERVICE_URL values.

问题是我们想要打破 dev 环境的约定.也就是说,我们希望它有一个看起来像这样的 MY_SERVICE_URL:

The problem is that we want to break the convention for the dev environment. That is, we want it to have a MY_SERVICE_URL that looks something like this:

我们如何配置 ARM 模板以打破仅适用于一种环境的约定?

How can we configure the ARM template to break the convention for only one environment?

我的第一个虽然是使用这样的条件,但这样的 ARM 函数似乎不可用.

My first though is to use a conditional like this, but such an ARM function appears not to be available.

"name": "MY_SERVICE_URL", 
"value": "[parameters('env') -eq 'dev' 
    ? 'https://abc123.foo.bar.baz.ca' 
    :  concat('https://myservice-', parameters('env'), '.domain.ca')]"


just create a variable that would depend on the parameter:

"parameters": {
"DeploymentType": {
    "type": "string",
    "allowedValues": [
"variables": {
    "Dev": "https://some_service-ci.domain.com",
    "Prod": "https://abc123.foo.bar.baz.com",
    "DeploymentVariable": "[variables(parameters('DeploymentType'))]",
"appSettings": [
    "name": "MY_SERVICE_URL", 
    "value": "[variables('DeploymentVariable')]"

好的,这是如何工作的.您传入参数DeploymentType",它可以是 PROD 或 DEV.如果您传递 DEV "DeploymentVariable": "[variables(parameters('DeploymentType'))]", - 这将评估为 "[variables('Dev')]"并获取"Dev"的值:"https://some_service-ci.domain.com",

Ok, so how does this work. you pass in the parameter 'DeploymentType', it can be PROD or DEV. If you pass DEV "DeploymentVariable": "[variables(parameters('DeploymentType'))]", - this evaluates to "[variables('Dev')]" and gets the value of "Dev": "https://some_service-ci.domain.com",