


Say I have a WCF app hosted in IIS. And in that app I run this line of code:

 Console.WriteLine("Testing, testing 1 2 3");


Where will that be written to? Or is it ignored and just lost?


Is there someway to capture it when needed?


NullStream ,它被定义为没有后备存储的流".所有方法都不执行或不执行任何操作.这是一个内部类到 Stream .以下代码摘自Microsoft的源代码.

NullStream, which is defined as "A Stream with no backing store.". All the methods do nothing or return nothing. It is an internal class to Stream. The following code is taken from Microsoft's source code.

基本上,当 Console 写入方法之一被调用时,第一个时,将对Windows API函数 GetStdHandle 进行调用标准输出".如果没有返回句柄,则会创建一个 NullStream 并用过.

Basically, when one of the Console write methods is call the first time, a call is made to the Windows API function GetStdHandle for "standard output". If no handle is returned a NullStream is created and used.

从这里引用: https://*.com/a/2075892/12744


actually, the same answer goes to on to address the second part of your question too:


To actually redirect Console output, regardless of the project type, use

  Console.SetOut(New System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\ConsoleOutput.txt")),