如何在 SQL Server 2008 Express 的同一台服务器上克隆 SQL Server 数据库?


我有一个 MS SQL Server 2008 Express 系统,其中包含一个我想复制和重命名"(用于测试目的)的数据库,但我不知道实现此目的的简单方法.

I have an MS SQL Server 2008 Express system which contains a database that I would like to 'copy and rename' (for testing purposes) but I am unaware of a simple way to achieve this.

我注意到在 R2 版本的 SQL Server 中有一个复制数据库向导,但遗憾的是我无法升级.

I notice that in the R2 version of SQL Server there is a copy database wizard, but sadly I can't upgrade.


The database in question is around a gig. I attempted to restore a backup of the database I want to copy into a new database, but with no luck.


It turns out that I had attempted to restore from a backup incorrectly.


Initially I created a new database and then attempted to restore the backup here. What I should have done, and what worked in the end, was to bring up the restore dialog and type the name of the new database in the destination field.


So, in short, restoring from a backup did the trick.
