

我是VB Script的新手,非常感谢您的帮助.

I am extremely new to VB Script, and any help is extremely appreciated.


I currently have 4 images that need to be displayed based on the date. I have named each image as 1,2,3 and 4. I am using the date function to display this but I am getting a 500 error message. If there is a better way to accomplish this with VBScript please let me know. The images are in a folder specified in the path for the src inside the div and the extension of the images is PNG.


Dim CurDate

'CurDate = Month(DATE)
'CurDate =("2018-11-01")
 CurDate =(DATE)    


If CurDate = "2018-10-30" THEN
    CurDate = 1
If CurDate = "2018-11-01" THEN
    CurDate = 2

If CurDate = "2018-11-02" THEN
    CurDate = 3

Else CureDate = 4

End If


     HTML Below

  <div style="padding-left:10px;text-align:center;">
    <img alt="Image- Displaying" border="0" src="http://Path/Default/Pane/imgFolder/<%=CurDate%>.png">


I think your problem is with your if/else/then.


Dim CurDate

'CurDate = Month(DATE)
'CurDate =("2018-11-01")
 CurDate =(DATE)    


If CurDate = "2018-10-30" THEN
    CurDate = 1
elseIf CurDate = "2018-11-01" THEN
    CurDate = 2
elseIf CurDate = "2018-11-02" THEN
    CurDate = 3
    CurDate = 4
End If

     HTML Below

<div style="padding-left:10px;text-align:center;">
  <img alt="Image- Displaying" border="0" src="http://Path/Default/Pane/imgFolder/<%=CurDate%>.png">