


I am trying to get Access token and refresh token for the "https://management.azure.com/" resource using PowerShell, but I am getting an only Access token. I need a refresh token as well. I share my code as below.

$clientID = '1xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
$secretKey = 'kdfudifkldfliKASDFKkdfjd-ddkjfidysikd'
$tenantID = 'fxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $secretKey -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($ClientID,$password)
Connect-AzureRmAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $credential -Tenant $tenantID

$authUrl = "https://login.windows.net/" + $tenantID + "/oauth2/token/"
$body = @{
   "resource" = "https://management.azure.com/";
   "grant_type" = "client_credentials";
   "client_id" = $ClientID
   "client_secret" = $secretKey

Write-Output "Getting Authentication-Token ..." 
$adlsToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $authUrl –Method POST -Body $body
Write-Output $adlsToken


Getting Authentication-Token ...
token_type     : Bearer
expires_in     : 3599
ext_expires_in : 3599
expires_on     : 1597999269
not_before     : 1597995369
resource       : https://management.azure.com/
access_token   : J0uYFoioURT4CdISuUrRrr...

规范中规定了 Client Credentials (客户端凭据)授予类型必须不允许发布刷新令牌.因此,答案是,您必须使用其他授权类型来接收带有访问令牌的刷新令牌.

The spec states the Client Credentials grant type MUST NOT allow for the issuing of refresh tokens. So the answer is, you have to use a different grant type to receive a refresh token with your access token.


Therefore, it is recommended that you use the auth code flow, which will return the refresh token to you when you request the token.
