Visual Studio 2015 工具提示颜色


我刚刚开始使用 Visual Studio 2015,我对工具提示颜色感到烦恼.新的工具提示有彩色字体 - 这很棒 - 但工具提示的背景颜色与我的字体配色方案冲突,使其无法阅读.我仔细研究了字体和颜色设置,但似乎找不到更改此特定颜色的方法.

I am just starting to use Visual Studio 2015, and I have run into an annoyance with the tooltip color. The new tooltips have colorized font - which is awesome - but the background color of the tooltips *es with my font color scheme, making it unreadable. I've pored over the font and colors settings, and I can't seem to find a way to change this particular color.

有谁知道是否真的可以在 Visual Studio 2015 中更改工具提示背景颜色?

Does anyone know if it is actually possible to change the tooltip background color in Visual Studio 2015?


Here's an example of what I'm talking about (from here):


There's a uservoice post for this issue here

如果你不想走插件的路,我发现以下设置可用于更改工具提示的背景颜色:环境 -> 字体和颜色 -> 显示设置:环境" -> 工具提示

If you don't want to go the way of the plugin, I found the following setting can be used to change the background color for your tooltip: Environment -> Fonts and Colors -> Show settings for: "Environment" -> Tooltip