无法从 signature.jks 获取 SHA-1 指纹


我有一个大问题:我不知道如何从我用来签署我的应用程序的文件中获取 SHA-1 指纹.让我们假设我的 jks 文件(从 Android Studio 生成)被命名为signature.jks".如何获取 SHA-1 指纹?

i have a huge problem: i don't know how to get the SHA-1 fingerprint from the file that i use to sign my app. Let's assume that my jks file (generated from Android Studio) is named "signature.jks". How can i get the SHA-1 fingerprint?


C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin>keytool -list -v -keystore E:\apkname.keystore -alias apkname


Where "apkname" is the name of the apk and "E" is the disk where my jks file is stored.


Unfortunately it doesn't work. Can someone help me?

好的,抱歉各位,问题解决了,我输入了错误的密钥库文件路径(扩展名为 .jks 的文件),在-alias"之后我把 apk 的名称而不是别名的名称,所以正确的语法是:

Ok, sorry everybody, problem solved, i have typed the wrong path to my keystore file(the file with .jks extension), and after "-alias" i put the name of the apk instead the name of the alias, so the correct syntax was:

keytool -list -v -keystore C:\signature.jks -alias aliasName