


Hi and thanks for taking the time to asnwer my question.


I have the following problem. I have a form and a button which says "add new activities".


Whenever the button is clicked I add a new set of elements, namely 2 drop down menus + text area. How can I get the values of these newly created elements in code behind since I cannot know their ids up front?


If there is something unclear about my question, please let me know.


但你必须设置的ID(更重要的是 - name属性),使用某种模式的新元素。使用在服务器端code回路相同的模式,从的Request.Form 获取值。提供你把添加了服务器端项目总数隐藏的输入了解上限循环计数器。

But you must be setting id's (more importantly - name attributes) of new elements using certain pattern. Use the same pattern in a loop in server-side code to get values from Request.Form. Provide a hidden input where you put the total count of items added for the server-side to know the upper bound of loop counter.