Twitter-Bootstrap - 把简单的元素内联


有没有反正放2 < a> 显示内联的元素?

Is there anyway to put 2 <a> elements displaying inline?

i tryed :

<div class="form-inline">


 <div class="row-fluid">
    <a class="inline">jjj</a>
    <a class="inline">sss</a>


默认情况下,锚标签应显示 inline 。您必须有一些额外的样式设置它们以显示阻止元素或类似的元素。

Anchor tags by default should be displayed inline. You must have some extra styling setting them to display as block elements or something similar.

使用您的代码是一个正在运行的 JSFiddle

Using your code, here is a working JSFiddle.

检查您的页面,找出锚点 display 正在设置,并修改或将元素设置为 display:inline 那。您已添加 class =inline,您只需添加:

Inspect your page to find out where the anchor's display is being set and either modify that or set the element to display:inline after that. As you've already added class="inline" you can simply just add:

a { display:block; /* Pre-existing code */ }
a.inline {

还要注意,我不认为 row -fluid 旨在无需Bootstrap的其他脚手架元素即可工作,如果您需要一个完整的-width row你应该使用:

Also as a note I don't think row-fluid is designed to work without Bootstrap's other scaffolding elements, if you want a full-width row you should use:

<div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="span12">
        <a class="inline">jjj</a>
        <a class="inline">sss</a>