


I have found various ways to poll MySQL on the site both good and bad and mostly 2 years old.


I would like to see an example of how to properly poll a server.


I have a MySQL table where comments are inserted. I'd like to see an example in JQuery on how to poll this server and append to a DIV, only the new comments inserted in a table since the last polling check instead of displaying the last 10 entries every 5 seconds.


A non setInterval example would be ideal as I've read setInterval does not care if request was successful before making another request.


You would have to send a AJAX request to a server side script that would check for new comments in the DB and return them JSON encoded.


To get only the latest comments, on the client side code, maintain a timestamp of the last comment fetch. Next time you request comments, pass this timestamp. Your server side script will only return comments with a timestamp grater than the passed in paramter.


Instead of using setInterval, you can resubmit the AJAX request in the success handler.

function ajaxRequest(timestamp) {
        url : 'url_to_post?timestamp=' + timestamp,
        success : function(response){
            //handle the new comments here
            //call this function again
            //sleep for 3 seconds first
                timestamp += 3000;

