


I am making a booking system using php and mysql database. The system has multiple users who can log in and make bookings so i want to know a way of selecting records based on users sessions. At the moment its only selecting all booking records which means users have access to all bookings.


I have a booking table which has booking records and a users table with users credentials.Is there also a way for selecting records from both tables


On your users table, you should have a unique id.


On your bookings table, you have a field user id. When you add a booking, you save the user id in to that field.


Then, when you want to retrieve bookings, you select records matching the specific user id.

在预订表上具有用户ID的字段称为外键.它是您使用sql进行大量操作的基础.以这种方式进行设置可以使您执行称为 join 的操作.在这里,您可以从两个或多个表中获取所有数据,并根据行的键值组合行.因此,在您的情况下,您可以执行以下操作:

Having a field for user id on the bookings table is called a foreign key. It's the basis for a lot of what you do with sql. Setting it up this way allows you to do what's called a join. This is where you get all the data from two or more tables, with the rows combined based on their key values. So in your case you could do something like this:

SELECT * FROM users,bookings WHERE bookings.id=users.id;


This will give you back records that have all the booking data, and all the user data for the user who made that booking. You could also do:

SELECT * FROM bookings where users.id=3;


Which would give you all the booking data for the user with id 3.


You can also match on other fields, but keep that foreign key as the join to guarantee that you always get the correct link between bookings and users eg.

SELECT * FROM users,bookings WHERE users.surname="Doe" AND bookings.id=users.id;


You can use it in reverse too - for example, if you want to get the user details for everyone who has a booking on a given date, you could do something like this:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE bookings.date='03/03/2015' AND users.id=bookings.id;


As you can see, adding that user id to the bookings table opens up a lot of possibilities because it links your data together, allowing you to get data as a single record even if it's split over multiple tables.