slack bot 回复消息并提及


我有一个简单的 slack bot,可以响应以特定字符串开头的消息.我更喜欢机器人只响应提到机器人的消息.我正在使用 slackclient 并通过以下方式获取消息:

I have a simple slack bot that can respond to messages that start with a specific string. What I would prefer is that the bot only responds to messages that have a mention of the bot. I'm using slackclient and getting messages via:

new_evts = sc.rtm_read()

我可以在消息中看到我的 client_id,但搜索消息字符串似乎不是正确的方法.

I can see the my client_id in the message but searching message stings doesn't seem to be the right approach.

u'text': u'<@U0TP3B7HU>: test message'

必须有一种更宽松的方式来处理提及的消息.我在 Slack API 中缺少什么?

There has to be a more slack-onic way of handling messages with mentions. What am I missing in the Slack API?


I found a library that provides a way to respond to mentions. This library provides a mechanism to designate a function to be called when a message is directed at a specific user.

@respond_to('github', re.IGNORECASE)定义 github():...

我真的不喜欢正则表达式代码并且不得不搜索每个帖子.这是一种更简单的方法来处理对消息中的 DM 或 @references 的响应.

I really didn't like the regular expression code and having to search every posted. This is a simpler way to handle responding to DMs or @references in messages.