Microsoft Bot Framework示例致文本Bot的语音-clientid和clientSecret


要查看语音转文本示例的代码,请参见 LUISBankingBot 开始.

To see the code of the sample on Speech to Text see the Microsoft Bot Builder GitHub. I have some personal examples on my GitHub as well starting with myLUISBankingBot.

发给文本Bot的语音示例.在代码段中,它要求提供一个clientid和clientSecret,但是我不确定在哪里可以找到它们.在我的免费订阅中(必应搜索-特别是免费),我有只有 Key 1 Key 2 ,不确定clientid和clientSecret信息可以存放在哪里.我相信除非在我可以找到clientid和clientSecret信息的位置提供了一些帮助,否则我将无法继续学习本教程.

Trouble getting started with the Example Speech to Text Bot. In the code snippet it asks for a clientid and clientSecret, but I am not sure where to find these. In my Free Subscriptions (Bing Search - Free in particular) I have only a Key 1 and Key 2, not sure where the clientid and clientSecret information could live. I believe I can not move forward in the tutorial unless some help is given on where I can find the clientid and clientSecret information.


Thanks for the help! Happy botting!

Greg,很高兴您自己搞定了.我的团队在Github中编写了示例和新的示例代码.我理解混乱.我们将进行一些编辑,以使userid-> clientid和apikey-> clientsecret的映射更加清晰.感谢您的发布!

Greg, glad you figured it out on your own. My team wrote the example and the new sample code in Github. I understand the confusion. We'll make some edits to make the mapping of userid->clientid and apikey->clientsecret more clear. Thanks for posting!