

我使用intalio editer,因为我想将hijari日期转换为格里高利日期,反之亦然。我们使用jsx3在java脚本中编写代码所以请帮助我。

i am use intalio editer in that i want to convert hijari date into gregorian date or vice-versa. we write code in java script using jsx3 so please help me.

有助于了解*将格里高利历称为Masihi。谷歌搜索hijrah to masihi converter将此页面作为第二个打击: http://www.islamicity.com/PrayerTimes/defaultHijriConv.asp

It helps to know that muslims refer to the Gregorian calendar as Masihi. Googling for "hijrah to masihi converter" turns up this page as the second hit: http://www.islamicity.com/PrayerTimes/defaultHijriConv.asp

javascript代码包含两个函数 GregToIsl IslToGreg 可以满足您的需求。

The javascript is code contains two functions GregToIsl and IslToGreg that does what you want.


There is a copyright notice on that page so you shouldn't simply copy-paste the code. But the functions are short enough for you to extract the relevant maths out of.


The maths/algorithm itself is almost a thousand years old so it shouldn't have any legal restriction.