如何在Windows 7上查看.dmp文件?


我已经使用Visual Studio 2008 C ++调试器(调试菜单 - >保存转储...)创建了一个minidump文件。我在Windows 7 64位上运行。

I have created a "minidump" file using the Visual Studio 2008 C++ debugger (Debug menu -> Save dump as...). I am running on Windows 7, 64-bit.


What program can I run to view the contents of the dump file in a meaningful way?


WinDbg 是我的首选工具。

它是Windows SDK的一部分。您可以从这里取得下载连结: http://www.windbg.org/

It's part of the Windows SDK. You can get download links from here: http://www.windbg.org/

注意,它有三个平台 - x86,x64和IA64。您希望的版本基于应用程序的设计,而不是您的架构。因此,如果它是一个32位进程,无论是通过运行在x86 Windows或WOW64在x64 Windows上,你想要的x86版本。如果dmp来自64位进程,则只使用x64。

Note that there are three plaforms for it - x86, x64, and IA64. You want the version based on what the application is designed for, not your architecture. So if it is a 32-bit process, either by running on x86 Windows or WOW64 on x64 Windows, you want the x86 version. Only use x64 if the dmp came from a 64-bit process.