

您能否提供一个示例以及其他示例来说明何时以及何时不使用Lambda? 我的书给了我一些例子,但它们令人困惑.

Can you give an example and other examples that show when and when not to use Lambda? My book gives me examples, but they're confusing.

Lambda,它源自 Lambda微积分和(AFAIK)最初是在 Lisp 中实现的,基本上是匿名的函数-一个没有名称的函数,该函数可在线使用,换句话说,您可以在一个表达式中为lambda函数分配一个标识符,如下所示:

Lambda, which originated from Lambda Calculus and (AFAIK) was first implemented in Lisp, is basically an anonymous function - a function which doesn't have a name, and is used in-line, in other words you can assign an identifier to a lambda function in a single expression as such:

>>> addTwo = lambda x: x+2
>>> addTwo(2)


This assigns addTwo to the anonymous function, which accepts 1 argument x, and in the function body it adds 2 to x, it returns the last value of the last expression in the function body so there's no return keyword.


The code above is roughly equivalent to:

>>> def addTwo(x):
...     return x+2
>>> addTwo(2)


Except you're not using a function definition, you're assigning an identifier to the lambda.


The best place to use them is when you don't really want to define a function with a name, possibly because that function will only be used one time and not numerous times, in which case you would be better off with a function definition.


Example of a hash tree using lambdas:

>>> mapTree = {
...     'number': lambda x: x**x,
...     'string': lambda x: x[1:]
... }
>>> otype = 'number'
>>> mapTree[otype](2)
>>> otype = 'string'
>>> mapTree[otype]('foo')


In this example I don't really want to define a name to either of those functions because I'll only use them within the hash, therefore I'll use lambdas.