

在大多数情况下可以返回一个null / empty对象以避免null,但是对象Collection的对象呢?

Its great when you can return a null/empty object in most cases to avoid nulls, but what about Collection like objects?

c> Map 返回 null 如果 get )在地图中找不到。

In Java, Map returns null if key in get(key) is not found in the map.

我可以想到避免 null $ c在这种情况下,$ c> s将返回 Entry< T> 对象,它是 EmptyEntry< T> ,或包含值 T

The best way I can think of to avoid nulls in this situation is to return an Entry<T> object, which is either the EmptyEntry<T>, or contains the value T.

当然我们避免 null ,但现在你可以有一个类转换异常如果你不检查它的 EmptyEntry< T>

Sure we avoid the null, but now you can have a class cast exception if you don't check if its an EmptyEntry<T>.

是否有更好的方法来避免 Map null > get(K)

Is there a better way to avoid nulls in Map's get(K)?

为了论证起见,让我们说这个语言甚至没有 null ,所以不要说只使用 nulls

And for argument sake, let's say this language don't even have null, so don't say just use nulls.


  1. 提供contains(key)函数。如果为不存在的键调用get(key),则抛出异常。缺点是:在contains()之后调用get()重复操作;

  1. Provide a contains(key) function. Throw an exception if get(key) is called for a non-existent key. The downside is: calling get() after contains() duplicates operations; not efficient.

功能语言在类似情况下使用Maybe。本文介绍了如何在Java中实现Maybe 。 / p>

Functional languages use Maybe in similar situations. This article explains how to implement Maybe in Java.