


Hey all I am having a issue with converting and getting multiple errors i have tried numerous convert methods but to no avail. Please take a look and see if im doing something terribly wrong!

 Dim strInput As String = "" 'storing the input ID

        Dim fulltime As Integer ' storing values
        Dim parttime As Integer
        Dim newcar As Integer
        Dim usedcar As Integer

        strInput = txtid.Text.ToUpper() ' changes to uppercase
        ' sets the focus 

        If strInput Like "###NF" Then 'For new and fulltime
            newcar = CInt(txtnew.Text)
            txtnew.Text = Convert.ToString(newcar) + txtnumsold.Text 'stores value into newcar
            fulltime = Convert.ToInt32(txtfulltime.Text)
            txtfulltime.Text = Convert.ToString(fulltime) + txtnumsold.Text 'stores value into full time

        ElseIf strInput Like "###UF" Then
            usedcar = CInt(txtused.Text)
            txtused.Text = Convert.ToString(usedcar) + txtnumsold.Text
            fulltime = Convert.ToInt32(txtfulltime.Text)
            txtfulltime.Text = Convert.ToString(fulltime) + txtnumsold.Text
        ElseIf strInput Like "###NP" Then
            newcar = CInt(txtnew.Text)
            txtnew.Text = Convert.ToString(newcar) + txtnumsold.Text
            parttime = Convert.ToInt32(txtparttime.Text)
            txtparttime.Text = Convert.ToString(parttime) + txtnumsold.Text
        ElseIf strInput Like "###UP" Then
            usedcar = CInt(txtused.Text)
        txtused.Text = Convert.ToString(usedcar) + (txtnumsold.Text)
        parttime = Convert.ToInt32(txtparttime.Text)
        txtparttime.Text = Convert.ToString(parttime) + txtnumsold.Text
        End If


if a string contains only numeric characters is something you've to test first. 


However, it is even more simple to create your code with Select case instead of this difficult to read code. 


要检查数字是否为数字,可以使用VB IsNumeric函数

To check if something is numeric you can use the VB IsNumeric function

https://msdn.microsoft.com /en-us/library/6cd3f6w1(v=vs.90).aspx  (未维护,它什么也没说,也位于其他地方)

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6cd3f6w1(v=vs.90).aspx (that it is not maintained says nothing, it is also somewhere else)


or you can use the trycast functions which was added to .Net in 2.0 because there was no decent way in C#
