

我们使用的是IIS 6和ASP.Net,当用户使用作出安全的页面请求

We are using IIS 6 and ASP.Net, When users make secure page requests using



the user gets an error:


颁发证书为 www.somesite.com 并表明 somesite.com 使用无效的安全证书。

The certificate was issued to www.somesite.com and indicates that somesite.com uses an invalid security certificate.


I was hoping to be able to catch the request in the Application BeginRequest event but the SSL error occurs before this. In order to invoke the Application BeginRequest event the user needs to click through the certificate error message. Is it possible to redirect in code or does this fix need to occur within IIS?


The only solution is to include the second domain in the certificate with a SubjectAlternativeName. Some certificate authorities will allow you to do this without extra cost.


Everything else would only happen after the ssl connection is established and therefor after the error is encountered by the user.


With HTTPS the ssl connection is negotiated before any of the HTTP headers are sent to the server, including the Host:-header that tells the server for which virtual host the request is actually intended.