


I have a php web page that now uses custom error pages when a page is not found. The custom error pages are included in PHP.

所以当有人键入不存在的URL时,我只包含一个错误页面,错误页面以: / p>

So when somebody types in an URL that does not exists I just include an error page, and the error page starts with:

<?php header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not> Found"); ?>


This also tells crawlers that the page does not exist.


Now I have set up a new system. When a user types a wrong url, the user is sent back to the frontpage and a message is displayed on the frontpage. I redirect to the frontpage like this:

header('Location:' . __TINY_URL . '/');


Now the problem is PHP just sends back a 200 code, page found.


How can I mix these two to create a 404 code on the frontpage.


And is this overall a nice way of presenting and error page.


Redirecting after an error is not a very good idea. It's especially annoying for people who like to type in/edit URLs, because if you make a typo, you'll get redirected to some arbitrary page and have to start over.


I suggest you don't do this at all. If you want to, you can have your error page look like your front page though, albeit I think that'd be somewhat confusing.