

#import "DatePickerViewController.h"
#import <Parse/Parse.h>

@interface DatePickerViewController ()


@implementation DatePickerViewController

@synthesize dateLabel;
@synthesize pick;

- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
    if (self) {
        // Custom initialization
    return self;

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    UIBarButtonItem *saveDate = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]
                                 initWithTitle:@"Save Date"
    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = saveDate;
    pick = [[UIDatePicker alloc] init];
    [pick setFrame:CGRectMake(0,200,320,120)];
    [pick addTarget:self action:@selector(updateDateLabel:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];


-(void)saveList:(id)sender {
    // need to finish


-(IBAction)updateDateLabel {
    NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
    [formatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterLongStyle];
    [formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];
    dateLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [formatter stringFromDate:pick.date]];


您的注册对于来自picker的事件,使用一个需要一个参数的选择器( @selector(updateDateLabel :))/ / code>需要一个 -updateDateLabel形式的方法:(id )arg ),而你实现的不带参数( -updateDateLabel

Your registration for events from the picker is using a selector that expects one argument (@selector(updateDateLabel:) expects a method of the form -updateDateLabel:(id)arg), whereas what you have implemented takes no arguments (-updateDateLabel)


Of course, all of this is moot considering that you've reassigned your picker from the one that was de-archived from the storyboard. Remove the initialization code and hook up the IBAction to the picker in the storyboard.