在发布“svn update"之前如何查看将从存储库更新的内容命令?


我已将大量文件中的更改从 Eclipse 提交到 SVN 存储库.

I've committed changes in numerous files to a SVN repository from Eclipse.

然后我转到 linux 机器上的网站目录,我想将这些更改从存储库更新到那里的目录.

I then go to website directory on the linux box where I want to update these changes from the repository to the directory there.

我想说svn update project100",它将使用我添加和更改的所有文件等更新project100"下的目录.

I want to say "svn update project100" which will update the directories under "project100" with all my added and changed files, etc.

但是,我不想更新我没有做的更改.所以我想我可以说svn status project100",但是当我这样做时,我得到了一个完全不同的将要进行的更改列表,我的都没有在列表中,这很奇怪.

HOWEVER, I don't want to necessarily update changes that I didn't make. So I thought I could say "svn status project100" but when I do this I get a totally different list of changes that will be made, none of mine are in the list, which is odd.

因此,为了确保只有我的更改会更新到 Web 目录,我不得不导航到我知道我进行了更改的每个目录,并仅显式更新这些文件,例如svn update newfile1.php"等,很乏味.

Hence to be sure that only my changes are updated to the web directory, I am forced to navigate to every directory where I know there is a change that I made and explicitly update only those files, e.g. "svn update newfile1.php" etc. which is tedious.

任何人都可以了解这里的标准工作程序,即我如何在执行svn update"命令之前获得即将进行的所有更改的准确列表?我以为是状态"命令.

Can anyone shed any light on the standard working procedure here, namely how do I get an accurate list of all the changes that are about to be made before I execute the "svn update" command? I thought it was the "status" command.


svn status --show-updates


svn status -u