Tortoise SVN 日志消息不更新


SVN 存储库将日志消息作为附加到每个修订版的属性.这些属性保存在存储库的 db/revprops 文件夹中,编号与修订版相同.我需要更改日志消息的格式并包含一些额外信息.道具文件的格式(至少对于未压缩的第 7 版)只是文本格式的关键值.我写了一个小程序来做到这一点,并成功编辑了日志消息.

SVN repository keeps the log messages as properties attached to each revision. these properties are kept in db/revprops folder of repository with same numbering as revision. I needed to change format of the log messages and include some extra information. Format of the prop files (at least for version 7 uncompressed) is just key value in text format. I wrote a small program to do this and successfully edited the log messages.

运行 SVN Log 验证命令行并显示更新的日志消息

Running SVN Log verifies the command line and shows updated log messages


在开发计算机中打开 TortoiseSVN 不会在列表中显示更新的消息;但是,如果开发人员右键单击列表中的修订项并选择Edit log message,则会显示编辑的消息.即使将整个存储库签出到新文件夹仍然显示旧消息.

Opening TortoiseSVN in dev computers does not show the updated messages in list; however if developer right click on the revision item in list and select Edit log message the edited message will show up. Even checkout of whole repository to new folder still shows the old message.

问题以上观察让我相信 TortoiseSVN 以某种方式缓存客户端计算机中的日志消息.这些信息存储在哪里?

Question Above observation makes me believe that TortoiseSVN somehow caches the log messages in client computers. Where is this information stored?

是的,TortoiseSVN 会缓存日志消息和更改的路径.您应该可以通过 TortoiseSVN Settings | 清除缓存.日志缓存 |缓存存储库.

Yes, TortoiseSVN caches the log messages and changed paths. You should be able to clear the cache via TortoiseSVN Settings | Log Caching | Cached Repositories.

阅读TortoiseSVN 手册 |日志缓存 &缓存存储库更多信息.

Read TortoiseSVN Manual | Log Caching & Cached Repositories for further information.


NOTE: Log caching is a very helpful feature. Don't disable it and be careful when you enter log messages.