


I want to do full integration testing for a web application. I want to test many things like AJAX, positioning and presence of certain phrases and HTML elements using several browsers. I'm seeking a tool to do such automated testing.


On the other hand; this is my first time using integration testing. Are there any specific recommendations when doing such testing? Any tutorial as well?




If you need to do full testing including exploiting browser features like AJAX then I would recomend Selenium. Selenium launches a browser and controls it to run the tests.


It supports all the major platforms and browsers. Selenium itself is implemented in Java but that is not really an issue if it is being used to test a web application through its user interface.

Selenium测试是在一个HTML表命令序列,支持的命令是很好记录。还有一个 IDE 的作为可用于记录和运行测试是Firefox的插件实现。然而在IDE创建的测试脚本可被用于驱动测试对任何支持的浏览器的

Selenium tests are a sequence of commands in an HTML table, the supported commands are in well documented. There is also an IDE implemented as a Firefox plugin that can be used to record and run tests. However the test scripts created in the IDE can be used to drive tests against any of the supported browsers.