


Inside my app, authentication is working with angular-http-auth


when user fill the username / password form and submit, it targets the login() function from the controller :

$scope.login = function() {
    var credentials = Base64.encode($scope.username + ':' + $scope.password);
    $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + credentials;

    User.login(                           // reference to the $resource service
        function() {                      // success callback
            authService.loginConfirmed(); // method of angular-http-auth



User is a service created with $resource

factory('User', function($resource){
    return $resource('url/to/json', 
        {   'login': { method: 'GET', isArray:true }


这是这样的工作,但有没有办法通过角HTTP的身份验证,而不是通过HTTP $默认设置标头中的凭据?

This is working like this, but is there a way to pass the credentials through angular-http-auth instead of setting default headers through $http ?


$http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + credentials;

是,你现在设置的是由所有$ http请求的凭据。如果你不想做,你要直接通过资格证书,每个$资源调用,就可以了,这是什么样子你开始在那里做。

is that you're now setting the "credentials" for all $http requests that are made. If you don't want to do that, and you want to pass the "credentials" with each $resource call directly, you can, which is what it looks like you're starting to do there.

return $resource('url/to/json', 
    {   'login': {
             method: 'GET',
             headers: { 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + credentials }


I didn't try this very example, but I have I similar code where the method is a POST so I call save() on the result of $resource before returning it, and the 'login' key is 'save'


But since you're doing a GET, with a custom "login" method, this should work.