


My goal to create an authenticated session in github so I can use the advanced search (which limits functionality to non-authenticated users). Currently I am getting a webpage response from the post request of "What? Your browser did something unexpected. Please contact us if the problem persists."


Here is the code I am using to try to accomplish my task.

import requests
from lxml import html

s = requests.Session()
payload = (username, password)
_ = s.get('https://www.github.com/login')
p = s.post('https://www.github.com/login', auth=payload)

url = "https://github.com/search?l=&p=0&q=language%3APython+extension%3A.py+sklearn&ref=advsearch&type=Code"
r = s.get(url, auth=payload)
text = r.text
tree = html.fromstring(text)

我正在尝试的可能吗?我宁愿不使用github v3 api,因为它的速率受到限制,并且我想对高级搜索做更多自己的抓取工作.谢谢.

Is what I'm trying possible? I would prefer to not use the github v3 api since it is rate limited and I wanted to do more of my own scraping of the advanced search. Thanks.


As mentioned in the comments, github uses post data for authentication so you should have your creds in the data parameter.
The elements you have to submit are 'login', 'password', and 'authenticity_token'. The value of 'authenticity_token' is dynamic, but you can scrape it from '/login'.
Finally submit data to /session and you should have an authenticated session.

s = requests.Session()
r = s.get('https://www.github.com/login')
tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
data = {i.get('name'):i.get('value') for i in tree.cssselect('input')}
data['login'] = username
data['password'] = password
r = s.post('https://github.com/session', data=data)