自动包含在Visual Studio中vcproj项目文件夹的所有的.cpp / .h文件



Is there a way to set a vcproj Project folder in order to automatically include all .cpp or .h files depending on the path of the project ?

在换句话说,将文件添加到使用Windows资源管理器我的项目的文件夹时,是有可能有这些新的文件自动添加到项目vcproj,在Visual Studio中? (即使我不得不重新启动Visual Studio中)。结果

On other words, when adding files to the folder of my project using Windows explorer, is it possible to have these new files automatically added to a vcproj Project, inside Visual Studio ? (even if I have to relaunch Visual Studio).
I do not need just to see them, but I need them to be automatically included inside the project for compiling and other operations...

我看到的唯一方法是创建一个Visual Studio插件或VB脚本这样做...

The only way I see is to create a Visual Studio addin or a VB Script to do that...


您可以编辑项目文件,并使用通配符。 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en -us /库/ ms171454%28V = VS.90%29.aspx

You can edit project file and use wildcards. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171454%28v=VS.90%29.aspx