R Blogdown:在gh-pages上使用github动作进行部署


是否存在通过 github action 构建 blogdown 网站的仓库,然后将 public 目录提交到github页面?我想看 .github/workflow :)

Is there a repo somewhere where a blogdown website is builded by github action and where the public directory is then commited to github pages ? I would like to see the .github/workflow :)



In fact, using the research functions on github yields a bunch of repo that do it :

https://github.com/search?q=blogdown+ path%3A.github%2Fworkflows


So from these examples, the question is solved.

这是一个私人仓库,但我已将 .github/worklfows/build.yaml 文件复制到此要点中:

Edit : It's a private repo, but i've copied the .github/worklfows/build.yaml file into this gist : https://gist.github.com/lrnv/17f2c721f4ac30ce55ae335cb83b6639

它的作用是编译被推送到 master 上的blogdown,并将 public 回购部署到 gh-pages 分支上.我将其用于我的博客 https://actuarial.science . secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN 变量是由github本身自动设置的,与它无关.

What it does is that is compiles the blogdown that is pushed on master and deploy the public repo onto the gh-pages branches. I use it for my blog, https://actuarial.science . The secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN variable is automaticaly setted up by github itself, you have nothing to do about it.