如何在两个不同的Xamarin Form页面之间切换?


我试图弄清楚如何在Xamarin Forms中的两个不同页面之间切换.

I'm trying to figure out how to switch between two different pages in Xamarin Forms.


I do not wish to use a NavigationPage (which has that little back arrow that is auto displayed.


I have a Login page (which is a ContentPage) and once the person has authenticated, I then need to navigate to my Dashboard page (which is a TabbedPage).



Next, one of the Tab's in the TabbedPage is the profile of the logged in user. As such, I need to log them out. So i'll have a button to log them out, which means I will need to navigate them back to the Login page (which was that ContentPage).


I feel like I have two modes the user might be in.

  • 未经授权. (ContentPage)
  • 已授权. (TabbedPage).
  • UnAuthorized. (ContentPage)
  • Authorized. (TabbedPage).


It's like I need to change the App's MainPage to be either one of those two?


To change MainPage to another just do:

App.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MyContentPage());

App.Current.MainPage = new MyContentPage();


BTW: You can use a NavigationPage and then HIDE the toolbar with:

NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);