

我有一个Java Web应用程序(WAR),它需要较旧的(1.5.11)版本的JRE,但我在Linux上花了很多时间为1.6.34设置我的环境。

I have a Java web app (WAR) that requires an older (1.5.11) version of the JRE, but am on Linux and spent a good deal of time setting up my environment for 1.6.34.

网络应用需要在JBoss(4.0.4 GA)本地托管,我没有经验。我想知道是否有可能下载1.5.1版本的JDK并配置东西,以便我的JBoss实例是我系统中唯一使用它的东西。这样我就不用担心会破坏1.6.34的任何其他配置。

The web app needs to be hosted locally on JBoss (4.0.4 GA), which I have no experience with. I'm wondering if it is possible to download the 1.5.11 version of the JDK and configure things so that my JBoss instance is the only thing on my system that is using it. This way I don't need to worry about blowing out any of my other configs for 1.6.34.


If it is possible, what are the general steps and what are the JBoss configs I need to make? Thanks in advance.

当然这是可能的。您可以根据需要安装任意数量的Java版本,并确保为要启动的每个进程正确设置path / JAVA_HOME。
in JBOSS_HOME / bin / run.conf 您可以指定1.5 JAVA_HOME

Of course this is possible. You can install as many java versions as you like and make sure path/JAVA_HOME is set up correctly for each process you want to launch. in JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.conf you can specify your 1.5 JAVA_HOME.

但如果你在谈论严肃的事情,你应该让某人(比如你的软件供应商)升级。 1.5.11是超级的,不受支持。和JBoss 4.0.4同样陈旧,甚至支持得更少。

But if you are talking about serious business, you should get somebody (like your software supplier) to upgrade. 1.5.11 is superold and unsupported. and JBoss 4.0.4 is equally old and even less supported.