

需要jquery的帮助才能根据按下SUBMIT Button来更改我的表单操作. 我找到了一些JavaScript代码,但无法正常工作.

Need help with jquery to change my forms action depending on with SUBMIT Button press. I found some javascript code but its not working.

<form name="myform" onsubmit="return onsubmitform();">


    <script type="text/javascript">
    function submitform()
         if(document.pressed == 'Save')
              document.myform.action ="jbupdate.php";
         } else
         if(document.pressed == 'Print')
              document.myform.action ="ppage.php";
         return true;


     <input type="submit" name="operation" onclick="document.pressed=this.value" value="Save" />
     <input type="submit" name="operation" onclick="document.pressed=this.value" value="Print" />


I will like to POST this information to these action pages depending on the button pressed.


If you look in the JavaScript console, you'll see an error message when you try to submit the form that will tell you a big part of what's wrong: In your form's submit handler, you're trying to call a function called onsubmitform:

<form name="myform" onsubmit="return onsubmitform();">
<!--                                 ^--- here     -->


...but your function is actually called submitform:

<script type="text/javascript">
function submitform()
//       ^--- here


If you make those names match, it'll probably mostly work, although I'm not entirely sure expecting the submit button's click event to fire prior to the form's submit handler is entirely reliable cross-browser.


FWIW, though, I'd probably do it differently. Since you say you're using jQuery, I'd ditch the global submitform function entirely, add a hidden field, and make the buttons just buttons (rather than submit buttons) since your form is already non-functional unless JavaScript is enabled.


<input type="hidden" name="operation" value="" />
<input type="button" value="Save" />
<input type="button" value="Print" />


jQuery(function($) {
    var form = document.myform;
    $(form).find("input[type='button']").click(function() {
        form.operation = this.value;
        form.action = this.value == 'Save' ? 'jbupdate.php' : 'ppage.php';
        return false;