


I need to resize the JQGrid column at runtime.


For eg: the column width for the column was 100px when it is loaded. I need to change it to 200 afterwards.


不幸的是,无法使用jqGrid API做到这一点.从文档:

Unfortunately there is no way to do this using the jqGrid API. From the documentation:


As mentioned above the options in colModel can be get or set using the methods getColProp and setColProp. Below are options which can not be changed dynamically when the grid is constructed (If changed they do not have effect or will cause the grid errors). For some of these options there are methods available to change the value:

  • 名称
  • 宽度
  • 可调整大小
  • 标签(方法可用)
  • name
  • width
  • resizable
  • label (method avail.)