

我是OSGi的新手,我有兴趣将我的一些罐子改制成OSGi捆绑包. 但是,我不想向任何特定于osgi的库引入其他依赖项.

I'm new to OSGi and I'm interested in retrofitting some of my jars as OSGi bundles. However I do not want to introduce additional dependencies to any osgi-specific libraries.


As such annotations are out of the question as are programmatic calls to bundle contexts and what not.


I have found a near match to my requirements in declarative services which allows me to expose my lower level bundles without impacting dependencies however at the higher level (where i actually need to consume the services) i'm still a bit stuck.


I understand that the component xml can be used to declare implementations of services (which i already use for my lower level jars) but also to inject service instances into a specific POJO.


Now my question: how do I get access to the osgi-managed POJO which has the services injected into it? Is it at all possible without introducing new dependencies or do I have to do it programmatically?


If the latter is the case can someone point me in the direction of some code to do it, in other words the component-equivalent of bundleContext.getServiceReference()?


为澄清起见,如果您采用本教程的第五部分: http://www .vogella.com/articles/OSGiServices/article.html

To clarify, if you take the fifth part of this tutorial: http://www.vogella.com/articles/OSGiServices/article.html

他声明了一个component.xml文件,该文件使用引用绑定将服务注入到对象QuoteConsumer中. 太好了,现在如何获取已注入必要服务的QuoteConsumer实例,我不能很好地对"new QuoteConsumer()"进行操作吗?

He declares a component.xml file which uses reference binding to inject a service into the object QuoteConsumer. Great, now how do I get an instance of QuoteConsumer that has the necessary services injected into it, I can't very well do "new QuoteConsumer()" right?


当前,我正在将osgi创建的实例注册为可以请求的静态变量,我认为这不是最好的方法,尤其是因为我无法将构造函数设置为private. (后者至少会导致真正的单例)

Currently I am registering the instance created by osgi as a static variable which can be requested, I'm thinking this is not the best method especially because I can't set the constructor to private. (the latter would at least result in a true singleton)


Basically the Factory class has:

private void activate() {
    instance = this;



public class Factory {

    private static Factory instance;

    public static Factory getInstance() {
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new Factory();
        return instance;

    private MyInterface implementation;

    public void setMyInterface(MyInterface implementation) {
        this.implementation = implementation;

    public void unsetMyInterface(MyInterface implementation) {
        implementation = null;

    public MyInterface getMyInterface() {
        if (implementation == null) {
            ServiceLoader<MyInterface> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(MyInterface.class);
            Iterator<MyInterface> iterator = serviceLoader.iterator();
            if (iterator.hasNext())
                implementation = iterator.next();
                implementation = new MyInterfaceStub();
        return implementation;

    private void activate() {
        instance = this;
    private void deactivate() {
        instance = null;


Any client code can then do:


并接收OSGi加载的服务,SPI加载的一个或存根. 您仍然可以根据需要手动设置服务实例.

and receive the OSGi loaded service, the SPI loaded one or a stub. You can still manually set the service instance if necessary.



To clarify further: this pattern is not meant for applications that are designed from the ground up to be run in an OSGi container but rather for low level libraries that have to run everywhere and even when on an OSGi container must not assume that all consumers are actually using OSGi.

您听起来很困惑... :-)服务代替了静态工厂,因此您的工厂不必存在.

You sound confused ... :-) A service is a replacement for static factories so your factory should not have to exist.


The whole idea of DS is that for each component:

  1. 等待直到满足其依赖性
  2. 创建实例
  3. 将实例绑定到其依赖项
  4. 在实例上调用激活
  5. 将实例注册为服务

因此,每当您获得由DS管理的服务时,便已经对其依赖项进行了注入(绑定).因此,只要您不依赖服务依赖项,就永远不需要静态工厂...服务的整个思想是您没有静态工厂,而只能使用(注入)实例. OSGi最好的部分之一就是您很少与工厂合作.

So whenever you get a service managed by DS it already is injected (bound) with its dependencies. So as long as you stay with service dependencies you never need static factories ... The whole idea of service is that you do NOT have static factories and can only work with (injected) instances. One of the best parts of OSGi is that you rarely work with factories.

关于不使用注释的要求的说明. OSGi批注仅用于类时间,它们不会创建运行时依赖项.我强烈建议使用它们,因为它们使服务像类一样轻量级,并且与XML相比具有类型安全性.

One remark about the requirement not to use annotations. The OSGi annotations are class time only, they do not create a runtime dependency. I strongly suggest to use them since they make services as lightweight as a class and are typesafe in contrast to XML.


One trick to use the annotations and not clutter your code is to create extend your implementation classes that you want to be an OSGi component and add the annotations on this class.