


Is it possible to capture the task manager end process of a windows application within the same windows application itself? I am using a C# 2.0 win app and I would like to do some database processing (change a flag from 'Y' to 'N' in the DB) when an end process happens.


No, it is not possible to hook the operating system's decision to end a process. Note, this is not done by task manger, ending a process is the responsibility of the kernel.


You will need to do two things here:

  1. 将事件处理程序连接到告诉应用程序退出的普通用户界面消息。使用这些事件来保存数据,免费资源,否则退出干净。

  2. 如果可能,处理异常以捕获错误并清除并保存数据。


Here are a three links to Raymond's blog explaining why you cannot do what you are asking.

  • Why can't you trap TerminateProcess?
  • Why do some process stay in Task Manager after they've been killed?
  • The arms race between programs and users


Also, I addressed a similar * question here.