获取Cordova Ionic应用程序的Firebase事件参数


我使用Ionic 2创建了我的应用程序,同时我也在使用 cordova-plugin- firebase 进行分析.

I using Ionic 2 to create my app, also I am using the cordova-plugin-firebase for analytics.


The plugin works great and I am seeing events in my firebase dashboard.


But I am unable to see the event parameters that I send.


As mentioned in the docs of the plugin I am using the following code to log events and event Params.

window.FirebasePlugin.logEvent("page_view", {page: "dashboard"});

在Firebase中浏览 docs 时提到事件参数是未直接显示,但应在设置受众群体"之后出现

Going through the Firebase docs it is mentioned that Event Params are not shown directly but should appear after setting up "audiences"

自定义参数:自定义参数不会直接在您的Google Analytics(分析)报告中表示,但可以用作可应用于每个报告的受众群体定义中的过滤器.如果您的应用程序链接到BigQuery项目,则自定义参数也会包含在导出到BigQuery的数据中.

Custom parameters: Custom parameters are not represented directly in your Analytics reports, but they can be used as filters in audience definitions that can be applied to every report. Custom parameters are also included in data exported to BigQuery if your app is linked to a BigQuery project.


I found the way to set up audiences here. But am not able to figure our how to set them up.


Any help in this regard is appreciated.

别忘了,Firebase for Ionic还很年轻(0.1.17). 我和您有同样的问题,也许插件没有发送值"参数.

Don't forget, Firebase for Ionic is very young (0.1.17). I have the same problem than you, maybe the plugin does not send the "value" parameter.


Also the Firebase doc say :

  • 自定义参数包含在 BigQuery 中.

您可以在分析">事件"中将其激活. 我尚未测试过这种方式.

You can activate it in Analytics > Events. I have not yet tested this way.


plugin: https://github.com/arnesson/cordova-plugin-firebase