Windows 8应用程序部署


我使用Visual Studio Express 2012 RC开发了Windows 8 C#应用程序。我可以在我的电脑上运行它。但是,我想创建一个可执行文件,以便我的朋友也可以尝试该应用程序。当我单击bin / Release文件夹下的.exe文件时,它说:

I developed a Windows 8 C# application using Visual Studio Express 2012 RC. I can run it on my pc. However, I want to create an executable so that my friends can also try the application. When I click the .exe file under bin/Release folder it says:


This application can only run in the context of an app container.

如何手动或使用Visual Studio 2012创建应用容器?

How can i create an app container manually or using Visual Studio 2012?


时,Visual Studio
2012会自动请求开发者许可证。要在没有Visual Studio的情况下获得开发人员许可证,请在Powershell中运行

You need a developer license to develop and test Metro style apps prior to certifying and deploying through the store. Visual Studio 2012 will automatically request a developer license when it is run for the first time. To get a developer license without Visual Studio run the show-WindowsDeveloperLicenseRegistration function in powershell:

Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) 2012
Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Windows\system32> Show-WindowsDeveloperLicenseRegistration

开发人员许可证的信息,请参见: 获取开发者许可证(Metro
Store.Build Pacakage菜单中在Visual Studio中构建一个程序包。构建供本地使用。将生成的

For information on developer licenses see: Get a developer license (Metro style apps) To deploy the app, build a package in Visual Studio from the Store.Build Pacakage menu. Build it for local use. Copy the resulting package to the target machine and run the included Add-AppDevPackage.ps1 file. See also Sharing an app package locally. --Rob