前的NodeJS preSS应用程序未发布在Azure上


我是新来的Azure云服务。我要发布的NodeJS(如preSS)API作为蔚蓝云的NodeJS服务。我按照以下链接创建前的NodeJS preSS应用程序。

I am new to azure cloud service. I want to publish nodejs (express) api on as azure nodejs cloud service. I follow below link to create express app in nodejs.



Above tutorial is very good. I am able to create express app and i run successfully on azure emulator.

问题: - 但是,当我在云还成功发布发布(希望如此),但是当我试图打开Web服务的URL,它给了我500内部服务器错误。

Problem :- But when i publish on cloud it also published successfully (hope so) but when i am trying to open web-service URL , it gives me 500 Internal Server error.


Please help me to figure out this problem.

这是因为在Windows系统中长路径问题创造问题。我的code为E /测试code /天青/采样样本文件夹内安装,以便NPM蔚蓝的模块,因此它创建长层级路径。因此,一些模块没有上传到Azure上。

It was create problem because of long path issue in windows system. My code is in E/TestCode/Azure/Sample so npm azure module installed inside sample folder so it creates long hierarchy path. So some module did not upload to Azure.

解决方案: - 我搬到code至E盘并发布它和它的作品完美的罚款。

Solution :- I moved code to E drive and publish it and it works perfectly fine.